

We Have Trekked from 8pm to 4am in the Bush- SANI Toro

From Ahmad SAKA, Bauchi

A former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Football Federation, Alhaji Ahmed Sani Toro, has narrated their ordeal at the hands of kidnappers, and explained that they have trekked from 8pm to 4am nearly nine hours trek after they were abducted.

Former NFF Secretary General

Sani Toro stated this when Chatting with reporters who went to commiserate with him at his GRA residence in Bauchi on Wednesday.

He express gratitude to Almighty Allah and Nigerians who prayed for their release. 

He said that, but for the prayers of his family, friends, and Nigerians, they would have been killed by their abductors

He said, they were released because of the “Prayers of Nigerians, especially people in Bauchi, my family, associates, everyone."

Alhaji sani said the kidnappers, who were 12 in number and heavily armed, stopped their vehicle at Anguwan Mallam Musa in the Fadan Karshe area of Kaduna State at about 8pm.

"At that moment, not more than 30 minutes we left security road Block, we started hearing gunshot everywhere, they asked us to stop our car and forced us out from our vehicle, took us to an unknown destination in the forest, while pointing their guns at us, and [we] started trekking."

"They had several AK-47 rifles with them in their hand. We trekked into the bush from that 8pm to 4am when we got to where they were taking us. We crossed through a big and deep river whose level was above our chest," he said.

“They neither gave us food nor water to drink. It was a terrible experience. They were young men in their 20yeas or 30years. We wanted to pray, but they prevented us from performing our prayers.” 

He said “They collected our phones, but they later gave me and asked me to provide a number to call, and that was when I gave Aminu Maigari’s number because we went to his son’s wedding."

When asked to described the kidnappers, Toro said that, "the kidnappers did not wear any mask, they left their faces open because they don’t fear anyone. They didn’t fear that they would be recognised; even if you recognise them, what would you do to them?” 

Asked if any ransom was paid and how much, Toro, a one-time Commissioner of Sports in Bauchi State, said he was oblivious of the details that led to his release and could not ascertain the amount that was paid as ransom to secure their release.

He said he had forgiven the kidnappers and asked Nigerians to continue to pray for them. “We need to pray for them (kidnappers) because they need prayers. It is a very serious and an unfortunate thing,” he said. 

“I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for sparing our lives. I am also grateful to Nigerians for their prayers because many people kept praying for us. When I came back, many people, including many prominent people, kept coming here to greet me. I thank everyone for the love they showed my family and me throughout this trying period. I felt so much love.”

Sani Toro together with former Assistant Coach of the Super Eagles, Garba Yila, and one of their friends, Alh Isa Jah, were kidnapped on Saturday while returning to Bauchi from Abuja.

They had travelled to Abuja for the wedding of the son of a former President of the NFF, Alh Aminu Maigari, when they were kidnapped close to Akwanga in Nasarawa State. 

The kidnappers had contacted their host, Maigari, and demanded N150 million as ransom before releasing them. They were released on Tuesday after an undisclosed amount of money was said to have been paid as ransom.

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