

Gov. Inuwa Seeks Partnership with PSN to Fight Drug & Substance Abuse in Gombe

By Christopher Luka, GOMBE

Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya says the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria PSN has a critical role to play towards stemming the tide of drug abuse in the State and the country as a whole. 

Governor Inuwa Yahaya stated this when he granted audience to National leadership of the society led by its President, Professor Cyril Osifor on a facility tour in the State as a precursor to their annual conference scheduled to take place next year in Gombe the State capital. 

Represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, the Governor recalled that on assumption into office in 2019 the statistics relating to drug and substance abuse in the State was grim and unacceptable hence his administration’s swift action of appointing a retinue of senior and experienced individuals to address the situation. 

Secretary to the State Government, Gombe State

He said his administration is prepared to work in partnership with Government and nongovernmental organisations willing to provide technical assistance geared towards reversing the ugly trend. 

Governor Inuwa Yahaya informed the National President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria PSN that he had to introduce the issue of drugs and substance abuse at the level of the North East Governor’s Forum so that individual Governors within the zone can mainstream it into a policy. 

“I make bold to say that there is a nexus between drugs and the insurgency we are facing here. And if as a Governor I am able to stem the tide of drug in Gombe without the other states within the North East doing same, work done is zero”. 

On the request by the society for partnership towards the successful hosting of its annual conference in the State, the Governor assured that his administration will do all that is necessary within available resources. 

Earlier speaking, the President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, PSN, Professor Cyril Osifor said they were in the State to assess necessary facilities needed for the successful hosting of its annual conference scheduled to take place in Gombe next year. 

He assured the Gombe State Governor that the Society will support the State Government's efforts towards reducing the menace of drug abuse and use of other illicit substances.

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