

Rotary Club Not a religious Organisation, Secret Society - Says President

Mr Chukwunonso Nwobi, the President, Rotary Club International, Bauchi Central chapter, has said that the club is not a religious organisation or a secret society as believed by some people.

Nwobi stated this in Bauchi on Saturday during the investiture ceremony for his second term as the president of the club in the state.

According to him, the false and negative impression of some people about the club has impeded the numerical growth of the organisation.

"Creating a good impression about what Rotary is all about is one of our major challenges.

"People should not see Rotary Club as a religious organisation or a cult or something because diversity, equity and inclusion is our watchword.

"We want to increase our sensitisation in elightening people what Rotary is all about. We need people to join us because they say the more the people, the merrier.

"So, when we have more people joining us, all of these activities we are carrying out would become less burden for those that are already Rotarians," he said.

Nwobi, who stated that, Rotary Club has been in existence for 123 years and is present in over 210 countries with a registration of 1.4 million Rotarians, called on the people of Bauchi that have the heart of humanitarian service to join and partner with the club in serving humanity.

He said that the club has list of impactive projects that it wanted to embark on, especially on water sanitation, distribution of more wheelchairs to polio survivors, renovation of toilets in some selected secondary schools, among others.

Other areas of focus he said included, medical outreach in suburb communities as well as distribution of reusable sanitary pads to secondary school girls in the state.

Some of the activities that took place at the investiture ceremony included, presentation of awards of excellence in humanitarian services to some members of the club as well as other partners.

Others were; fund raising, as well as induction of new members into the club.

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