

Foundation Trains Officers on Implementation of Criminal Justice Law in Bauchi

A Non-Governmental Organisation, 'CLEAN Foundation' on Wednesday, commenced a two-day training for 35 critical state actors on implementation of Administrative Criminal Justice Law (ACJL) in Bauchi and Jigawa states.

The activity was supported by MacArthur Foundation.

The 35 participants attending the training were drawn from Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Immigration Services, Nigeria Correctional Center, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corp, Nigeria Union of Journalists, Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, among others.

Speaking during the commencement of the training in Bauchi, Mr Gad Peter, Executive Director of the NGO, said that the aim of the training was to sensitise critical actors to ensure compliance with the provisions of the law.

According to him, Advocacy visits and similar training were planned to be conducted on various stakeholders in the state.

"Clean foundation will be conducting Advocacy to high court judges and magistrates on Administrative Criminal Justice Law.

"We have some people to monitor courts in the state with regards to implementation.

"Also, Journalists are to also create awareness on ACJL in the state as we plan to train them as well," he said.

In his contribution, Mr Sublime Emmanuel, Chief Register, Bauchi state High court of Justice, said that the ACJL has new reforms that would enhance quick dispensation of justice.

According to him, Bauchi state had commenced implementation of the ACJL in February, 2023.

"Bauchi state signed into law the ACJ in December, 2022 and we organised in- house training for magistrates and judges on the law," he said.

He commended the foundation for the giant stride towards sensitising officials in the state.

Similarly, Mr Hussain Abdullahi, Director, Public Prosecution, Jigawa state, said the training would improve preservation and analyzing evidence for Criminal cases.

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