From, Usman Abdullahi Koli
In Bauchi's province, where history finds its voice, dwells a man whose grace inspires our choice, Alhaji Muhammad Zulkarnaini Jabdo, his name, a paragon of virtue, his deeds aflame.
A Muqaddam, bound not by earthly might,
His knowledge weaves a radiant insight,
With courage as his compass, he takes the lead, serving humanity, a noble creed.
Bauchi's fertile land, a cradle of old,
birthed politics and stories yet untold, from Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa's reign, Jabdo arises, a steadfast light to maintain.
In life's vast dance, where fate weaves,
Jabdo's heart beats for those in needs,
Philanthropy his anthem, selflessness his goal, generosity and kindness, his heart's parole.
Courage as his guide, makes his mark,
old and young alike, with reverence, hark, for Jabdo's kindness knows no walls, he bridges gaps, tradition's calls.
Through distant lands, he gently tread,
a lifeline extended, where hope once dead,
with open palms, he lifts the burdened hearts, his empathy flows, touching every heart.
Integrity shines, untarnished by acclaim,
silent giving, untouched by fleeting fame,
In the depths of darkness, true heroes shine, Jabdo's kindness, an eternal chime.
Wellspring of wisdom, yet deeply tied,
to his people's customs, their spirits allied,
in Misau's Emirate Council, he finds his place, a guardian of tradition, with humble grace.
Travels far, embracing others' plight, a shining Star in the darkest night, his touch brings solace, ignites dreams anew, the less fortunate, his steadfast view.
Within nature's realm, a rhythm untamed, in arid deserts, his charity's heat, the scorching sun finds solace in his shade,
as he uplifts, with love and mercy displayed.
To leaders, behold his noble stances implore. To serve with selflessness, to give and restore, for wealth amassed means naught without a heart, Jabdo's giving spirit, a masterful art.
In dedication's Domain, he stands tall and true, asanctuary of hope, his deeds imbue,
may strength eternal guide him on his quest, his path illuminated, divinely blessed.
As Mirth of youngsters frolics in his wake,
Alhaji Muhammad Jabdo, for goodness' sake, a fire undying, forever it's fed.
Igniting compassion, Unsubdued.
Usman Abdullahi Koli,