

ATAP DPAA Old Boys Pledge to Support Younger Generation

From: Sagir Mudi, BAUCHI 

2004 Old Boys of Diploma in Accountancy and Audit of the Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic ATAP Bauchi have reiterated their commitment to support the younger generation of youth in order to become meaningful members of the society and ensure progress and development. 

This declaration was made during a reunion meeting of the 2004 set of DPAA ATAP Alumni held at the Polytechnic premises recently. 

The old boys who were excited to reunite after 20 years of separation, exchange pleasantries and ideas that will bring development and progress especially to the younger generation. 

They however expressed readiness to do everything possible within their capacity to keep in touch with one another, urging themselves to continue to assist each other whenever the need arise. 

The get together started in 2023, that is 19 years after graduation, hence this year's event was attanded by many members of the 2004 class of DPAA students who came across different states of the country. 

Part of the aims and objectives of the reunion was to strengthen the relationship between them and to assist those in need among them whenever the need arise and also to rander contribution to the development of the institution which has produced them. 

Usman One Muhammad, is one of the participants and while speaking, said "In the previous year, we have achieved a little being that it was our starting year."

During the event, financial assistance was given to a sick member in Yobe state and also contribution was given to the family of same decease lectures.

In a remarks by one of the lecturers who attended the occasion (Provide his name please), commended them for helping the institution which he said is a giant step towards adding value to the education. 

He however urged them to put extra efforts in helping the younger ones to build their skills, knowledge and confidence which will help them to become meaningful members in the society.

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