

Islamic Oriented Schools Association AMIS Inaugurates Standing Committees in Bauchi

From: Ahmad SAKA, Bauchi

The Association of Islamic Model Schools Bauchi State Chapter, has inaugurated five standing working committees to spearhead its activities in islamic oriented schools in the state.

Presiding over the inauguration grand patron of the Association Honourable Justice Abdullahi Yakubu Marafa retired and former Grand Khadi Shariah Court of Appeal, tasked the committee members to adhere to the specifications and roles of its establishment. 

He commended the Association for coming up with an initiative aimed at reviving the activities of the Association in the State.

Justice Marafa told the committees inaugurated to work hard towards reviving the activities of the association in all nooks and crannies of the state, and advised members of the committees to discharge their primary assignment effectively with a view to revitalize the Islamic oriented Schools in the Bauchi. 

He called on all Islamic oriented private schools managements, to support the association not to allow it to sleep again in order to boost the nation’s education system.

The Grand Patron stressed the need for religious bodies to join hands with the government in ensuring the development of education. 

He said, “Religious bodies must rise to the occasion of ensuring development of education and rescue it from collapsing in the face of many challenges." 

In a remark, Proprietor of Malikiyya College of Health and Social Sciences Alhaji Aminu Muhammad Danmaliki commended the role played by private Islamic oriented schools in the development of education in Bauchi state. 

Danmaliki pledged to give subsidized scholarship to all students from islamic oriented schools who want to read Health and social sciences, like Dentist, Envoiromental Sciences not only in Bauchi state butvother state chapters of the Association. 

He assured his support to all Islamic oriented private schools towards uplifting standards of education in the state.

The State AMIS chairman, Alh. Ahmed Mohammed said that the aim of the organisation was to promote unity among the Muslim Ummah as well as assist in the execution of educational programmes that will attract tremendous benefits to the generality of the ummah across the state. 

The chairman said the primary objective of the association is to provide qualitative education to muslim children in accordance with the requirements of the Islamic religion. 

He said AMIS is a voluntary non-political organisation which aims at constituting a forum of exchange of ideas and instill cooperation among private Islamically-oriented nursery, primary and secondary schools in Nigeria. 

He added that It also engages in the formulation and implementation of programmes and policies aimed at assisting the regulation, growth and improvement of standards in member-schools, serving as a mouth piece for member-schools in relation to government. 

Malam Ahmed said the Association for Model Islamic Schoolswas established in 1995, the initiative originated from Hajia Aisha Lemu.

Mohammed said when the association was established, Bauchi State was in the forefront in the activities of the association, but in the last 10 years, the activities was slowed down due to many challenges and called for all islamic oriented schools to support the inaugurated committees and the present leadership of the Association in its effort to revive the association in the state for the development of education.

He said the Federal Ministry of Education has since recognised AMIS as one of the strong stakeholders in education, and serious effort is being made to ensure that the state Ministry of education also recignise the Assocition as one of the stakeholders in education in order to succeed.

The Chairman said the committees will go round nooks and crannies of the 20 local government areas of the state to meet with islamic schools proprietors and Head teachers and educate them more on the importance of joining the association especially now that many schools have been established in the state.

Justice Marafa inaugurated the commuttee of patrons under his leadership, Elders and Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Malam Nuruddeen Abdullahi; Sensitization Committee, chaired by Malam Sa’idu Hassan; and Revenue Generation Committee under the leadership of Malam Zakaria Hassan Galadima.

However, capacity building and Quiz competation committee headed by Hajiya Fatsuma Aminu Mohammed.

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