

Bala Muhammed, Challenges of All Inclusive Governance

By Sani Umar Sanda

“Even the most jaundiced critic knows that Governor Bala Muhammed is performing beyond expectation and leaving no one behind irrespective of any difference..." (Mukhtar Gidado).

Governor Bala Muhammed is in his second tenure and redoubling his efforts to leave his footprints on the sands of time. He is thoroughly rounded in public administration and governance. Better still, he has a firm understanding of the workings of the executive and legislative arms of government.

He is today, a shining symbol of a carefully groomed technocrat in politics and governance. He knows where the shoe pinches and has the solution to the problems bedeviling rapid development and economic growth of Bauchi State and by extension the entity called Nigeria which is now an albatross to armchair critics and political parasites.

The rather down to earth governor is deploying inclusive governance as a very potent weapon to curb abject poverty, banditry and general insecurity in the state. He makes no pretences about his administration’s resolve to make overwhelming majority of the people directly feel the impact of government without attached strings. 

Governor Bala Muhammed intentionally treats all the 20 local government areas of the state equally, and spreads both infrastructural development and political patronage on equal basis as a bond.
Even more important, he is a believer in identifying and harvesting the good in people that matter and avers that underdevelopment, poverty and lack of inclusion are at the root of the seemingly intractable security challenges that Bauchi like other places has been battling over the years without much assistance from anywhere including those occupying strategic position in the national assembly. 

Bala Muhammed seeks to change the appalling narrative and status quo that has given his detractors the satanic Yakubu Dogaras, clownish Shehu Bubas and their appendages masquerading as political leaders in doldrums and wildness.
The governor is totally committed to opening up and bringing to the mainstream of all the three senatorial districts of Bauchi State but specifically targeting the poor, vulnerable, underserviced, youth and women population which has given those charlatans sleepless nights planning evil against the good of the people.

Simon Michael said: “The vision and target of the governor is to transform Bauchi State as the leading economic hub of the Northeast and Nigeria’s true Pearl of Tourism which was grossly misunderstood by traducers and political turncoats that have lost the people’s trust and confidence due to poor representation and daftness.
“The governor wants to create a business cluster to drive competition in the Northeast and other geo-political zones within the Northern region and beyond that has caused him serious challenges from failed politicians that contributed to the retrogression of the once vibrant state 
“Bauchi State is rich in natural and human resources untapped over the years. Crude oil exploration is ongoing at Kolmani valley and the state serves as the gateway to Northeastern and other neighboring states of Nigeria. It is a transportation hub.”

Governor Bala Muhammed who proved himself as a champion of financial inclusion while serving as FCT Minister (2009-2015), is leading a revolution of sorts by bringing several underserviced persons under one form of financial service or the other while those his detractors busy themselves looking for non-existent faults.

“For instance, in his characteristic self, Yakubu Dogara shamelessly created a feud with Bauchi State Government in an effort for undeserved public sympathy as a launching pad for resurfacing at the political space. In Dogara’s myopic thinking, defending the exposed cluelessness of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is an escape route from his sordid past of political rascality and hooliganism.

“While Dogara was beating the drums for acceptance within the presidency, a childish clown serving as a senator, Shehu Buba Umar was pushed by his associates to address an issue far above his understanding due to poor education."
“It can be recalled how Shehu Buba Umar as Toro local government council caretaker committee chairman out of sheer greed and corruption disposed off a parcel of land belonging to government used by Muslims as Eid praying ground thereby denying them the benefit and still shamelessly claiming to be a Muslim."

“In the wildest imagination of Shehu Buba, weekly visits to Bauchi from Abuja and distribution of federal government donated grains and other palliatives are enough to launder his battered image. The August 17th local government council elections exposed his weakness as a politician that failed to deliver even his electoral ward to his party."

“Shehu should be bold enough to give account of how much he receives as constituency allowance and other largesse from the coffers of government and his scorecard as a senator other than childishness and self-image laundering drama.

“Yakubu Dogara as an ethno-religious chauvinist has no exit gate from his role in the destruction of Tafawa Balewa central Mosque and gruesome murder of several Muslims at various crises in Tafawa Balewa for another trust.”

In the final analysis, whosoever believes in those detractors of good governance does so at his own peril. Bauchi State has no room for the Dogaras and the Shehu Bubas who at most times are seen as asylum seekers in Bauchi State.

Sanda sent in this piece from Abuja

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